Sierra Point Saturday Night
Fresno's Homegrown Series Final At
Woodward Park Sunday
The Bay Area Super Prestige races have their awesome version of Saturday Night Fever Cyclocross going off this weekend. This Saturday night Sierra Point will be at boiling point as the sun sets and Cross takes over the Yacht Harbor in a big way. This event is pure party, and Tom & Alec Simpson play host to anyone and everyone who is down for a good time. The courses seem to get better and better each year at Sierra Point. The small amounts of rain that have ventured in and out of the Bay Area recently will only make the dirt content perfect texture for Cyclocross racing.
The Fresno Homegrwon Series will crown their division champions this Sunday at Woodward Park. The Homegrown Series is a huge success and a prime example of how Cyclocross brings the community together!
Local shops, local teams, and local cycling fans of all makes and models converge at Woodward Park to compete in Cyclocross. The Fresno Series makes Cross fun! The courses are challenging, and the competition very serious when the start whistle sounds.
Sunday the Homegrown Series caps off their strong season with a final race to determine series champion in all divisions. It is going to be good!